Faculty of Physical Therapy Gallery www.horus.edu.eg Hours university @HorusUniversityEgypt @HUE_eg Faculty of Physical Therapy Gallery Latest News The participation of Dr. Mohamed Abdel Nasser in a training course within the mandatory training project for medical staff in comprehensive health insurance مشاركة كلية العلاج الطبيعي في قافلة طبية بالتعاون مع مديرية الشئون الصحية بدمياط The participation of the Faculty of Physical Therapy in a medical convoy in cooperation with the Directorate of Health Affairs in Damietta
The participation of Dr. Mohamed Abdel Nasser in a training course within the mandatory training project for medical staff in comprehensive health insurance
The participation of the Faculty of Physical Therapy in a medical convoy in cooperation with the Directorate of Health Affairs in Damietta