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Healthcare Caravan to the Health Unit at Saif Eldein village, Al Zarkaa City, Damietta Governorate

Date 17/01/2023
Location Saif Eldein village, Al Zarkaa City, Damietta Governorate
Duration 1 Day
Organizer N/A
Partners & Sponsors N/A

Healthcare Caravan to the Health Unit at Saif Eldein village, Al Zarkaa City, Damietta Governorate

Under the auspices of her excellency Dr.Manal Awad, governer of Damietta, and Prof.Ibrahim Saber, Horus University’s Head of the Board of Trustees, Prof.Hassan El-Shennawy, Deputy of the board of Trustees, Prof.Elsaied Abdul Hady, Horus University President, Horus University has organized a caravan to provide healthcare services in the light of the university’s community services agenda. A caravan was prepared to target the health unit in Saif Eldein village, Al Zarkaa City, Damietta Governorate. The caravan encompassed the specializations of Medicine, Physical Therapy, and Dentistry. Various healthcare consults and advice were provided to 150 patients covering different ages. Some cases were advised to continue their follow-up at Horus University and other cases’ medication was provided at the expense of the university. The caravan has done its mission with the supervision of Prof. Muhammad Magdy Abul Elkheir professor of pediatrics and other university staff members.
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