News & Events
Faculty of Physical Therapy
مشاركة كلية العلاج الطبيعي في قافلة طبية بالتعاون مع مديرية الشئون الصحية بدمياط
The participation of the Faculty of Physical Therapy in a medical convoy in cooperation with the Directorate of Health Affairs in Damietta
تنظيم لجنة متابعة الخريجين بكلية العلاج الطبيعي بجامعة حورس كورس Taping in Musculoskeletal and Sports Rehabilitation
Students of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Horus University, attend the “No to Disability” conference
مناقشة رسالة دكتوراه للدكتور/محسن ابراهيم
عقد ورشتي عمل للجنة متابعة الخريجين
grow with us عقد ندوة بعنوان
Dr. Nesma Abdulrahman participated in a lecture in the International Respiratory Care Week
The participation of Dr. Nesma Abdel Rahman in a training course for physiotherapists in hospitals affiliated to the Directorate of Health in Beheira
مناقشة رسالة دكتوراه للدكتور/محمد صلاح السيد
Attending the Fourth Conference of Chest Diseases and Intensive Care
اللقاء التعريفي لكلية العلاج الطبيعي جامعة حورس -مصر
فتح باب التقدم لوظائف أعضاء هيئة التدريس بكلية العلاج الطبيعي بجامعة حورس-مصر
Participation of Dr. Mohamed Nagy in the Third Conference of the Society of Surgeons in Damietta
قوائم الارشاد الاكاديمي للطلاب الجدد لكلية العلاج الطبيعي 2024/2025
Role of Vestibular and prospecptive Rehabilitation Therapy in cerebral palsy children: Different New techniques as DMI and CME Workshop
Sacroiliac dysfunction as a root cause for Musculoskeletal Disorders Workshop
Workshop entitled “Restriction of Blood Flow After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation”
3D Correction of spinal Deformities Workshop
Dr. Mohamed Salah’s Participation in the Fifth Summer Training Camp for Students of the Faculty of Physical Therapy at the Modern University
فتح باب التقدم لوظائف أعضاء هيئة التدريس (ندب كلي – ندب جزئي – تعيين ) و أعضاء الهيئة المعاونة (مدرس مساعد فقط) (تعيين فقط )
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير الدكتورة/ خلود عبد الغني
Internship Students Attend a Workshop at Heliopolis University
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير الدكتورة/ ماجدة مجدي امجد
مناقشة رسالة ماجستير الدكتورة/ الشيماء صلاح زكي
Applications are Now Open for the Faculty of Physical Therapy for New Students for the Academic Year 2024-2025
مناقشة رسالة الدكتوراه
Diagnosis of Nerve and Spine Diseases by Nerve Conduction Study Workshop
Annual Student Conference of the Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy
Electro Diagnosis of the Nervous System Workshop
مناقشة رسالة الدكتوراه
Participation of students of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Horus University in the Second International Student Conference for Scientific Research
Representing Horus University in the fourth scientific conference of Deraya University
Assessment and Treatment Soft Tissue Injures Workshop
مشاركة الدكتور محمد عبد الناصرفي دورة تدريبية ضمن مشروع التدريب الإلزامى للكادر الطبى بالتأمين الصحى الشامل
Traction Therapy Workshop
Laser Therapy Workshop
Dry Needle Workshop
A Visit by Thebes Official Language School to Faculty of Physical Therapy
The Sixth Scientific Conference of the Sub-Syndicate of Physical Therapy
Assessment Workshop
Electro Therapy Workshop
L.B.P Workshop
The first scientific conference of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Horus University
مشاركة وفد من كليه اداره الاعمال بجامعه حورس – مصر بزياره المعرض والمؤتمر الدولى للنقل الذكى والبنية التحتية واللوجيستيات للشرق الأوسط وافريقيا
The First Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Physical Therapy – HUE Future of Rehabilitation: Updates and Challenges
مناقشة رسالة الدكتوراه
Receiving the New Batch for the Year 2023-2024
Visit Baheya Foundation
مناقشة رسالة الدكتوراه
Treatment Based Classification Approach to Neck Pain
Differential Diagnosis of Ankle Pain
Rotator Cuff-Related Pain Workshop
The 22nd International Physical Therapy Cairo University
Medical Convoy for Physiotherapy
The 2nd Scientific Conference for Physical Therapy- The Authority of Health Insurance / Northern West of Delta Region
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
Honoring the Hospital of One-Day Surgery for the Supervisors of Internship Students
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
Representation of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Horus University
اليوم العلمي لطلاب الفرقة الخامسة بقسم الأطفال بكلية العلاج الطبيعي
First Aid Workshop
Annual Conference of the Medical Society for the Treatment and Research of Obesity MASMO
Practical Workshop “Principles of Mobilization Concept”
المباراة النهائية لبطولة كأس رئيس الجامعة لخماسيات كره القدم
Baheya Event
Intelligent Robotic Rehabilitation
Horus University’s Medical Caravan to the Medical Center of New Damietta City
Mantra Event
مناقشة رسالة الدكتوراه
3rd international scientific conference
Deraya university
Physiotherapy inspiring better health
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
Healthcare Caravan to the Health Unit at Saif Eldein village, Al Zarkaa City, Damietta Governorate
The Annual Charity Exhibition at The Faculty of Physical Therapy
Fourth International Scientific Conference on Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
(no disability)
The 3rd International Scientific Physical Therapy Conference – MTI University
Conference Milestone in PT Rehabilitation
US electrical stimulation LASER Electromagnetic therapy
Course about Common Shoulder Disorders from Physical Therapy Point of View
First Aid Course
“Build Your Son” Medical Initiativeal
Physical Therapy Role in Kidney Dialysis
Radiology Workshop for Intern Students
Mulligan concept: The Evolution of Manual Therapy (Workshop)
Work shop about Spine management (smart solutions)
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
Management of Shoulder Pain: Clinical Tips
Honoring Top students on Class
Physical Therapy and Quality of Life
Seminar on Obesity Management
The Fifth Student Forum at MTI University
مناقشة رسالة الماجستير
Ministry of Health Conference
Participating in the 2nd Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research
COVID-19 Vaccination
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